Personal sessions fully tailored to your needs. We can treat physical ailments, psychological imbalances and a special offering are Pranic Face Lift and Body Sculpting sessions.

You can learn how to heal yourself and others, so you’re not dependent on a Pranic Healer for your treatments! Discover the different courses that are offered within our school.

Another way to shine and get the energy glow. When you practice the Twin Hearts meditation, a lot of energy flows through you. It’s a shower for peace and illumination.

Optimize the energy flow in your spaces for more well-being, peace, harmony, creativity, success, abundance and prosperity. Balance the yin & yang in your home & office.

A special 1-year study program designed to learn all about the human anatomy & physiology, including great 3D visuals, videos and e-learning content. Learn more about it  here.

Pranic Healing is an advanced healing system in which prana – life energy in Sanskrit, also called Chi in Chinese or Ki in Japanese – is used to clean and energize the body to help it recover itself better and faster. It’s also a lifestyle.

The glow of prana.

Life energy is all around us, we actually live in an ocean of prana. When your energy body is balanced and you have a lot of healthy prana flowing, your health will improve and you will shine from the inside out. I can help you get into your best ‘energy shape’ by offering various types of treatments, courses and meditation practices. 

What is Pranic Healing?

It’s an advanced form of healing in which lifeforce – prana, chi, ki, ruah, mana, pneuma – is used to balance and realign our energy bodies in order to promote healing and wellness by stimulating the self-recovery mechanism of the body. 

‘The body is a living battery that requires constant recharging. This is done through different means, especially through the transference of life energy. This is the principle behind Pranic Healing. The body is capable of healing itself if the body has enough life energy.’ – Grand Master Choa Kok Sui | Founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

Simply put, Pranic Healing is like acupuncture but then without the needles. This is the simplest way of describing a complete and effective energy healing system, which in fact also teaches you how to live life to the fullest, develop yourself (faster & in a safe, powerful way) and dive deeper into esoteric studies.

In Pranic Healing, critical thinking and an intelligent, evaluating mind are stimulated and appreciated. Master Choa Kok Sui was a yogi and spiritual teacher, and also a scientist (chemical engineer) and successful businessman. This combination is quite unique and lead him to publish this advanced healing modality and present it in a grounded, easy to understand way. At the same time, all the techniques, different traditions and religions were deeply studied and experimented on and the commonalities were extracted to make it accessible for modern-day people.

Everyone is free to explore, question, experiment and experience for themselves and then to draw their own conclusions. There are many options to connect with us: through Pranic Healing sessions, Pranic Feng Shui consultations, Pranic Healing courses and Group Meditation practices.

Why would you want to book our services? 

Read below what our clients think.

“I’ve had a series of 6 sessions of Pranic Face Lift and Body Sculpting with Eef. The reason was to remove excess chin fat and frown lines. We measured the chin fat and it had actually decreased by centimeters. I think the wrinkles are less deep now. What was also nice is that, during the sessions, I became very calm and relaxed and could let go of emotions. It certainly does something to you internally as well.

It is a pleasure to work with Eef. She is a kind person, she takes time for you, and performs her work skillfully and professionally. I really liked it and I will definitely go back for maintenance.”

Micha, Teacher in technology

“Two weeks ago I had a bad cold, my throat and windpipe were bothering me and I had to cough a lot. Eef was going to give me a distant healing, I just didn’t know exactly what time she was going to do it. At a certain point, I could clearly feel relief: I was able to breathe better, less coughing and my throat felt better. When I looked at my phone, I saw Eef’s message that she was doing the healing. So special! The next day the symptoms were clearly reduced. Eef gave me another distant healing that day, and on day 3 I felt healthy again. Thank you Eef!”

Marike, Masseuse

“Eef helped me tremendously in recovering from my burnout, which coincided with the first period of my pregnancy. I was anxious and unsure about my baby’s health in the womb as I had a history of repeated miscarriages. Of course I don’t know how my pregnancy would have gone if I had not received healings from Eef. But I do know that it has given me a lot of peace, confidence and positive energy. The treatments were deeply relaxing for me, and I always saw immediate results; For example, I was no longer tired or my headache was gone after a healing. Eef knows how to keep the treatments “down to earth” and has regularly made me think by asking challenging questions. During three months of treatment, there was a clear upward trend in how I felt. I remember very well how tired I was when we started and I am very grateful that I feel so good again! A fantastic basis for the rest of my pregnancy and the arrival of our baby.'”

Eve, Business owner

“10 weeks ago I started with the Twin Hearts Meditation. Not knowing what it meant, I completely surrendered.

Every lesson I felt something different, the inner strength that you have within you is expanded every time. Eef has taken the time in every lesson to hear everyone’s story, to share her own experiences, the possibilities that are available (mainly with Pranic Healing, which really touched me after a visit from Vivek Joshi; @Vivek thank you so much for the special evening!) to be able to do more with Healing.

I especially noticed the awareness, being able to feel everything better, mainly myself and more and more my surroundings. The energy you feel in the meditation in the group is beautiful to experience, just like the experiences of others.

One of my peculiarities during the meditation was experiencing a “journey” in my head, in which my body really did not participate. Here I ′′ flew ′′ into a kind of tunnel of light and tranquility, and felt completely zen here.”

Lucie, Police officer

“Eef’s online Self Pranic Healing course is highly recommended!

We’ve received online classes from her for two afternoons. Eef did this in a smooth way, she is very experienced in teaching and it also worked very well in terms of technique. Through the online connection, Eef was able to guide us well and make adjustments where necessary. The material had a good structure and was clearly explained by means of handouts and a presentation. It is so nice to see with how much pleasure Eef conveys ‘the art of Pranic Healing’! The theory was interspersed with many exercises, which were effective and often surprising: energetic exercises, meditation, and of course Pranic Healing itself. As a result, we immediately felt what it was all about and we were able to put the material into practice. We did a lot on the second afternoon in particular. Still, it wasn’t tiring at all! Not even online classes. That surprised me, but actually makes sense when you consider that with Pranic Healing you clear old energy and add fresh energy :).

The morning after the weekend of classes I received another surprise: I have been suffering from a ‘tight’ right hip for years, which means that I have to exert a certain amount of force to move my leg forward. But when I got out of bed that Monday morning and started walking, my leg suddenly shot forward, it flew forward! And also in other places I notice that my body is looser.

Eef’s course was a special, practical and wonderful introduction to Pranic Healing for me; thanks for that!!”

Lianne, Secretary

“Because of my scientific background, I want everything to be ‘explainable’. I’m also very interested in the world of energies. The Superbrain Yoga course was the best of both worlds for me.

The course was very informative. Everything was told very logically. Because everything was explained so clearly, it was quite normal to feel energy, to see your own aura and to feel other people’s brain energylevel.

The part where Superbrain Yoga was specifically explained also sounded very obvious. Finally, the trick came with my ‘dyslexic brain’. First, I had to read a paragraph from a book, then I did the yoga exercise and finally I had to read another paragraph from the same page. What happened next was very special. While my first reading session was very insecure and not a fluent story for me, during the second reading session I felt a lot more confident, my vision was clearer and I read the paragraph fluently in one go.

It wasn’t until later in the evening and the next day that I realized how special it was. I could just read a lot better after a simple exercise. How bizarre! I’ve explained Superbrain Yoga to three other people with dyslexia according to the guidelines given in the course (especially the do’s and don’ts for a safe practice). Then I also had them read a piece and let them do Superbrain Yoga and each and every one of them could read more fluently, more intelligibly and better.

Amazing that such a simple exercise can have such a big impact on your daily functioning. That makes you think; what else is possible if you use your energy in the right way?”

Suzan, Scientist